Quit Smoking And Left With Mouth Wrinkles? 2 Tips To Help You

Smoking can cause wrinkles to appear on your face, especially around the mouth, due to pursing your lips when you take a drag on the cigarette. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help with this problem, two of which are listed below.


See a dermatologist to treat your mouth wrinkles. One thing they can use is Botox injections. These injections work great for wrinkles around your mouth, as well as wrinkles around your eyes, on your forehead, and more. One benefit of Botox is there is no downtime. You could even go during your lunch hour and go right back to work. 

The dermatologist will first wash your face to remove all oils and impurities. Once this is done, they will ask if you want an anesthetic cream at the injection site. The needles can be a little painful. The dermatologist then inspects your skin to determine where to do the Botox injections. Once the Botox is injected, the muscles freeze, which relaxes wrinkles, making them disappear. Unfortunately, if you have deep wrinkles, Botox will not make them go away completely, but it can help make them less noticeable. 

You will need to return to have the treatment done again to keep your mouth wrinkles from coming back. The dermatologist can tell you how long your treatment will last so you can prepare for your next appointment. 

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers can be used to smooth wrinkles around your mouth. The filler is injected under your skin and adds volume and hydration. As with Botox, an anesthetic cream can be rubbed onto your skin if you fear needles. This works best for fine lines even though dermal fillers can make deeper wrinkles not as noticeable. Make sure you see a dermatologist to have this treatment done, as if it is not done correctly, you could look unnatural. 

The dermal filler is a gel that is made of hyaluronic acid. Your body also has hyaluronic acid, so your skin accepts it with no problem in most cases. The results of the dermal fillers are noticed soon after the treatment, but they will not last forever. You will have to go back to have the treatment done again. The dermatologist can give you information on how long this will last for you. 

Talk with the dermatologist to learn more about other treatments available to help you with your mouth wrinkles. The dermatologist can also give you tips on how to properly care for your skin.
