4 Reasons To Visit A Dermatology Clinic

Healthy skin is beautiful and comfortable. A good home care routine can contribute to healthy skin, but sometimes you may need the assistance of a dermatologist. Dermatologists are doctors who specialize in skin care. If you have skin concerns, a dermatologist can diagnose and treat you. Here are four reasons to visit a dermatology clinic.

1. Acne

Many people notice acne for the first time in their teenage years. However, adult-onset acne is possible, as well. Acne may be caused by improper hygiene, environmental factors, and hormones. Your genes may make you more prone to acne. If over-the-counter treatments don't solve your acne problem, you can visit a dermatology clinic for prescription treatment. Dermatologists can offer powerful topical and oral medications to eradicate even stubborn acne.

2. Rosacea

Rosacea is a skin disorder that often manifests as redness on the skin. It's usually most noticeable on a person's cheeks, although it can affect the nose, chin, and forehead as well. Rosacea can often be managed by using mild skin care products and moisturizers. A dermatologist may prescribe an ointment to reduce redness as well. Proper treatment of rosacea can help you stay comfortable by preventing excessive dilation of your blood vessels.

3. Aging Concerns

As a person ages, their body changes. Your skin will undergo changes as you grow older, becoming less elastic as your body produces less collagen. Many people began noticing wrinkles and areas of hyperpigmentation in their 30s. If you're bothered by these changes, your dermatologist can help you fight the signs of aging. Prescription ointments, such as retinol, can increase your skin's rate of cellular turnover; this can reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Dermatologists can also offer cosmetic injections, such as Botox and dermal fillers, to further mitigate the signs of aging.

4. Skin Cancer Screening

Dermatologists can also screen patients for skin cancer. Skin cancer occurs when skin cells begin behaving abnormally. Skin cancer can be life-threatening if it metastasizes to your lymph nodes. A person's chance of recovering is best when their skin cancer is diagnosed as soon as possible.

A dermatologist can screen you for skin cancer by examining your entire body, looking for suspicious moles and lesions that may contain cancer. It's wise to have your body checked for skin cancer at least once a year. If your dermatologist finds anything suspicious, they may order a biopsy to confirm their preliminary diagnosis.
