Rosacea And Middle Aged Women: Is It The Cause Of Your Skin Breakouts?

Facial acne usually clears up once you reach adulthood. But if you're a middle-aged woman who has acne as well as red, blotchy skin, you may feel discouraged about your condition. You could possibly have a skin disorder called rosacea. Rosacea describes four subtypes of skin diseases that affect adults. However, rosacea tends to develop in women more than men, especially women who are menopausal. Some women can experience multiple rosacea subtypes, including subtype 1 and 2. Here are things to know about rosacea and its possible connection to menopause.

Why Do You Have Rosacea?

While it's not readily clear as to how or why acne rosacea shows up in women, stress, spicy foods, and several other factors may trigger the condition. Hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms that develop from changes in your facial skin's blood vessels may also lead to or trigger rosacea. Here's how.

During menopause, your blood vessels become overactive, which leads to flushing in your facial, neck, and chest skin. Flushing makes your skin feel hot and uncomfortable. Rosacea subtype 1 can cause flushing as well as affect your blood vessels. During subtype 1 rosacea, your blood vessels may show up more in your skin.

Your acne may be due to rosacea subtype 2, which produces pimple-like lesions on the skin. The lesions can appear anywhere on your face and can range sizes of tiny to very large. Menopause can also cause acne to develop in some women. The skin breakouts typically affect your face, neck, and chest, which may become worse with rosacea type 2.

Although it's not possible to cure any subtype of rosacea, you can manage your condition with the right care.

What Can You Do About Your Skin?

One of the first things you can do is see a dermatologist to confirm that you have rosacea. A skin specialist can generally determine your condition with a visual exam. If you have more than one subtype of rosacea, a doctor will offer treatment to manage or control it. Your treatments may include the topical creams and ointments that soothe your irritated skin and acne. You may also take oral medications to treat your condition. 

To manage your rosacea at home, it's a good idea that you avoid direct sunlight and hot places. Heat can aggravate your skin and trigger additional breakouts and flushing. If you can, visit a primary doctor and request treatment for your menopause symptoms. Although you can't avoid menopause, you can reduce the effects of its symptoms.

For more details about your skin problems, consult a clinic like Sunflower Dermatology & Medical Day Spa.
